Табулатура в формате Guitar Pro , содержащая следующие дорожки:


Vocals 2
Synth Bass 2

Vocals 3

Guitar 1
Acoustic Guitar (nylon]

Guitar 2
Acoustic Guitar (nylon]

Electric Bass (finger]


An-oth-er mes-sage on the phone is left. And she is mad a-again. Am I in-a-de-quate? I try so hard to break this mold I'm in. I don't know how to win. Al-as I've gi-ven in. E-very-day I fear that I can't rise a-bove. I don't know how to love. I don't know how to... I'm try-ing to for-get but it's break-ing me in-stead. I can't live with-out you, with-out you. I keep rea-ding in-to this and the pie-ces that i'll miss. I can't be with-out you, with-out you. Take me down! Strip me of my e-go! You se-pa-rate me. Un-com-pli-cated me. Just so you know. I've ne-ver cried in a mo-vie. And for you it comes so ea-sy. I'm try-ing to for-get, but it's brea-king me in-stead. I can't live with-out you, with-out you. I keep rea-ding in-to this and the pie-ces that i'll miss. I can't be with-out you, with-out you. I'm no-thing with-out you. And you'll ne-ver know. There's some-thing a-bout you, that won't let me go. I try to for-get it, but you're all I know. There's some-thing a-bout you, just some-thing a-bout you. I'm try-ing to for-get, but it's brea-king me in-stead. I can't live with-out you, with-out you. I keep rea-ding in-to this and the pie-ces that i'll miss. I can't be with-out you, with-out you. I'm no-thing with-out you. There's some-thing a-bout you, that won't let me go. There's some-thing a-bout you, just some-thing a-bout you.